Wish Me Mell


Birthday: September 20

Debut: 2010

A french mail carrier, Mell is a young rabbit that lives in Mercy Hills.

Fun Facts:

  • She lives in an egg-shaped house that features the face of
    a bunny on the roof and bunny ears that extend from the
    top of the house.
  • Mell’s mailbag was given to her by Lutz whom she loved,
    prior to his leave for Kenya.
  • Guided by the fairy Ciel, Mell’s objective is to connect
    villagers, as a mail carrier, though the letters that villagers
    send to one another.
  • She is considered a hikikomori due to her reclusiveness
    and reluctance to come out of her house.
  • Mell is encouraged to get out of her house by letters and
    messages sent to her by friends.
  • She was created with the intention of helping young
    adults express their feelings in a way that touches the
    hearts of others.
  • Mell her own cute little blog, which can be found here!
  • A few animated video shorts have been made featuring
    Mell and her story have been made, which can be found



  • “メル Wish Me Mell (@Wishmemell).” Twitter, Twitter, 20 Nov.
    2018, twitter.com/wishmemell?lang=en&scrlybrkr.
  • “Wish Me Mell.” Sanrio Wiki | FANDOM Powered by Wikia, sanrio.wikia.com/wiki/Wish_me_mell.
  • Blog.wishmemell.com, blog.wishmemell.com/