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Stay Happy!★ |

Thanks for visiting!
Please feel free to take a look around!

(This site has not yet been made mobile-friendly!)

4/10/20 - |
Welp, school has been closed for the rest of the year, and even though I'm lowkey rlly sad abt that, I also have to look at the bright side. I'll be a bit safer from contracting the virus now, and, most relevant, I'll be able to work on this website more frequently! I hope to start updating my artworks and journal pages sometime soon! For now, I've updated the TV Nostalgia page with one new show, Ready Set Learn, updated the Muppet Nostalgia page with the Play With Me Sesame games, added some new games to the PC/Video Game Nostalgia page, and added some new facts to the Sesame Street Shrine! |
3/31/20 - |
I removed my tumblr art blog link bc I haven't used it in ages. Instead, I've replaced it w a link to my Drawception profile. I forgot how much I love that game and how hillarious it can be. I've also added a ton of games to the Web - Adolescence page! |
3/30/20 - |
I've added a few new things to the Childhood Website Nostalgia page, as well as a few items to the Toy and Game Nostalgia pages! Some facts have been removed from the Sesame Street shrine bc I thought they were kind of common, so I replaced them with more character-centric ones! |
3/25/20 - |
It looks like today, this site hit 100,000 views! Thank you so much! I'm very appreciative! |
3/24/20 - |
A new page has been added to the about section! A Quiz Results page! To access it, you'll have to pass through all of the other about pages, but I hope to finish a new navigation for the about section to make this easier! ;] Some new blinkies and buttons have been added as well! |
3/22/20 - |
I've added a ton of images to the 2nd page of the Sesame Street Shrine, added a few new blinkies to the Stamp Collection page, and added 2 new images to the extra About page! |
3/19/20 - |
Replaced the picture of Betty Lou in the Sesame Street Shrine with a better one, and added some more blinkies, buttons, and stamps! |
3/18/20 - |
Added some new coolio links to the Links page and added a few new shows to the TV Nostalgia page! |
3/16/20 - |
Added a toooooooooooooooooooon of new blinkies, stamps, and buttons to the collection!! ;] |
3/5/20 - |
The Childhood Websites Nostalgia page has been updated with some games from PBS Kids and Nick Jr.! |
2/16/20 - |
The Sesame Street Shrine was updated with a cute new "favorite characters" segment! |
2/14/20 - |
The Sesame Street Shrine was updated with a new list of songs! |
2/13/20 - |
New additions have been made to the TV, childhood websites, and Muppet Nostalgia pages! |
2/8/20 - |
6 new plush toys were added to the Plush Collection page! Even more blinkies and stamps have also been added to the stamp collection! |
2/7/20 - |
More blinkies and buttons were added to the stamp collection page, and new images have been added to the 2nd page of the Sesame Street Shrine! A new image was also added to the More About page. |
1/24/20 - |
Poppy's shrine has been fixed! I've also added some new images to the interests page to match my recent interests, as well as a different illustration for my About page of my sona :3c |
1/22/20 - |
The stamp collection and links have been updated! I've also fixed the Defunct Rooms page in the ACNL section, as well as the ACNL gallery. |
1/4/20 - |
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! This is the first update of the new year!! I really hope this year turns out to be a good one!! Anyways, the links page was updated with new buttons from cool sites, and the stamp collection was updated with a few new images too! |
12/27/19 - |
HELLO!!!! It's been sooo long since I've updated this site!! I've been busy with school and other personal projects that have kept me away. I still love this site a lot though, and I'm working on a BIIIG update!! The update will primarily focus on updating the Nostalgia, Journal, and Plush pages! I started on the Nostalgia section today, with updates being made to the TV, Muppet, Toys, and Childhood Websites pages! I've also replaced any unavailable yt vids. I have SOOOO many more things coming to this site so stay tuned! |
9/1/19 - |
The links page has been updated with a cool new website! |
8/19/19 - |
The plush collection page has been updated again with a cute new addition gifted by Poppy! |
8/18/19 - |
The ACNL house pages have all been updated!! Nearly all of the images were updated to show all 10 new rooms and the major updates to past rooms! My dream address has also been added to the main ACNL page! I'd really appreciate it if you'd give it a visit! All of the now-defunct rooms are under the Defunct Rooms page. :] |
8/12/19 - |
The plush collection page has been updated with a new tiny friend, a baby Ernie! |
8/10/19 - |
The Animal Crossing page has been updated with some new info! The Interests page has also had a minor update as well! |
8/3/19 - |
The Animal Crossing page is complete! I'll update it once 2 of the house exteriors are finished and the dream address is ready :] |
7/31/19 - |
I've started a new page dedicated to Animal Crossing: New Leaf! I recently got back into it after a 3 year hiatus, so I thought it would be a good way to document my town! The page is currently a work in progress! The stamp collection has also been updated with new stamps, blinkies, and buttons! |
6/29/19 - |
The Game Nostalgia page is complete! I've also updated the Muppet nostalgia page with a few new pictures from old photo albums :3c |
6/28/19 - |
The Toy Nostalgia page is complete! |
6/26/19 - |
The Web Nostalgia page has been completed! |
6/25/19 - |
The Movies Nostalgia page has been completed, and the Web and Game Nostalgia pages have been started. A few new blinkies have been added to the stamp collection as well. |
6/19/19 - |
The TV nostalgia page is complete and the Muppet nostalgia page has been updated with new videos! |
6/18/19 - |
The Sesame Street shrine (both pages) have been completed :] |
6/17/19 - |
The journal page has been updated with 2 new entries!! |
6/12/19 - |
The Muppets Nostalgia page is complete! I highly recommend checking it out for some Sesame Street nostalgia! :3c Poppy's shrine has also been updated with some more images as well! I still need to work on their arrangement though :[ |
6/11/19 - |
AAAAAAAAAAhhhasdfsdf I've looked at so many cute Neocities pages today! Buttons from those sites have been added to my links page! I was inspired by a lot of the cute collections and shrines I saw on some pages, and decided to add more of my own! I'm currently working on a Nostalgia page which is located in the extras section! So far, only the TV and Muppet sections have content, but breif descriptions and memories will be added to both soon! |
6/6/19 - |
Hehe the journal page is finished!! All images and synopses have been added!! |
6/5/19 - |
The journal page is currently being worked on! All of the journal images have been added, and half of the synopses for the pages have been added! I'll probably finish the rest of them tomorrow!! |
6/1/19 - |
OK the artworks page has been updated with ★24★ new artworks!!! I'm so happy that I was able to update it with so much art! I'll probably work on the journal page tomorrow!! On a side note, happy Pride Month to all the fellow LGBT folks out there!! :3c |
5/30/19 - |
Summer is here! Now that I don't have to focus on school as much, I'll hopefully be able to update this site a lot more! I have tons of artwork that needs to be added, as well as some updates to various pages that need to be made! For now, the shrines page has been moved to Extras, and a Journal page will soon be available!! Poppy's shrine is also under construction! I've added a bit about what I collect to the About page, and decided that the artworks on this site will be split into multiple pages to avoid failure in loading images. |
3/23/19 - |
The plush collection page has been updated with 4 new plush toys! The extra About Me page has also been updated with an 11 second video that resonated with me so much that I felt it was absolutely necessary to add.:o I have sooo much art add onto the art page, but it takes me too long, and I'm on the verge of finishing some more, so please stay tuned for a large dump of art sometime very soon!! It feels like forever since I've updated!! |
2/24/19 - |
hnnghf The favorites page has been updated! I've really been taking a liking to Prairie Dawn nd we're really similar, so since I'm not really into Fraggle Rock all that much, I've put her in the spot that Gobo was previously in (oops)!! ngl I lowkey think I'm synpaths w her. |
1/19/19 - |
A box containing some super cool Neocities site buttons has been added to the links page!! I've made my own buttons so you can link back to my site if you'd like ;3 More stamps and blinkies have been added as well! |
1/14/19 - |
New characters have been added to the favorites page!! All of them are Muppets bc I'm an absolute dumbass. |
1/13/19 - |
New buttons, stamps, and blinkies have been added, as well as a plush addition to the plush collection page! There was also a minor rearrangement on the interests page bc I'm super interested in Jim Henson's works at the moment! More of the site will be updated soon! (>u<)/ //Hehe this is the first update of the new year!! |
11/21/18 - |
Currently adding a little mini-wiki / shrine for all of my favorite Sanrio characters! Only the main page and one of the character pages are done, but more are soon to come! You can view them by going into the shrines page! |
11/18/18 - |
The artworks page has been updated with 5 new pieces that I'm all suuuper happy about!! ^__^ |
11/2/18 - |
The plush collection page has been updated with a new set of Little Twin Stars plushies!! The stamps collection was also updated, and the home page was given some renovations! >w< |
10/29/18 - |
A few new pages were made!!!!! An page for extra stuff was made, in which the plush collection page (★!NEW!★) is, as well as the stamps page! I'm pretty happy with these, especially the extras page!! I hope you might enjoy them as well! |
10/3/18 - |
New buttons, blinkies, stamps, and external links have been added, in addition to two new works on the artwork page! ★ The homepage is being renovated yet again, so please excuse how strange it is atm!! |
9/3/18 - |
Two new works have been added to the artwork page!! ★ The updates box has also finally been fixed. |
9/1/18 - |
Links page was updated with some cool new sites ;) |
8/18/18 - |
Homepage is currently being renovated! The about and interests pages were also given minor updates! |
8/16/18 - |
All of the about pages have been completed (for the time being, at least)!! |
7/24/18 - |
Favorites page was updated with the addition of Pupple! |
7/22/18 - |
Homepage created! I'm very excited to continue working on this site!! |