Listed here are the journals that I've used and journals that I'm currently using!
My current primary journal! I’m very happy about how this little A5 journal turned out! I initially wasn’t too fond of the color of the PVC as it was very different from the color advertised, but I’m so happy I was able to make it work, and even placed a little pocket to keep pictures and stickers for journaling in! The little keychain attached was a gift from a friend of mine, Finn!
I’m very excited to fill this journal!~
This is a Recollections personal A6 planner! Really tiny for me!! I feel like, because my very first journal was 7.7 x 9.8”and used A5 pages, it was a big shock to see that I would be using such a small journal in comparison. I didn’t think that I would be able to get used to it and not feel restricted by its size, so I only use this journal occasionally. I typically use it when I still want to make a journal spread for a certain day, but I don’t feel as though I want to make a whole, large, A5 spread for it. Even though it’s pretty tiny to me, I still really love using this journal. It really reassured me that I love 6-ring binders and won’t ever go back to spiral or binded journals
This was my very first memory keeping journal, as well as the first journal/diary i’ve ever completed! I remember going to my local craft store and seeing that the 6-ring planners were a bit too pricey for me, but I felt very eager to start journaling. Because of this, I decided to craft my own handmade journal instead! This journal is really just cardboard wrapped with red paper and four 2” rings, but it’s very sturdy!All the journal pages are A5 size. The rings are kind of inconvenient, shifting up and down at times, but overall, I’m pretty happy with the way it turned out! I’m particularly happy with the 2” rings, as they’ve allowed me to pack so many pages in! She’s very chunky!!
I definitely experimented a lot with my style in this journal, and I’m so glad I did! I learned so much from it! It’s so fun to see the progression of my journaling style!